Standard UV Lamps
UV Replacement Lamps
The company produces replacement lamps for a wide array of equipment used in ultraviolet curing, screen exposure, pre-press, sanitation, CD & DVD replication, graphic arts, packaging, adhesives, fiber optics, optical media, and wood finishing industries. All of our lamps are engineered to meet or exceed the original equipment manufacturer’s specifications so you can expect optimum performance at a very cost competitive price. Our lamps can be found in equipment produced by some of the leading equipment manufacturers.
A.R.C., AAA Press, Abbess, Adnos, Advance Systems, Advancing, Aetek, Amba, American M&M, American Production, American Screen, American Ultraviolet, American UV, Amerigraph, Amjo, Aquatron, Aradiant, Argon (IPM), Argus International, Atek, Barberian, Berkey, Brewer Systems, Burgess, Canrad Hanovia, Cefla, Chambon, Ciardina, Cincinnati, Colight, Color Dry, Colordry, Comco, Convect Corporation, C-Sun, Dainippon Screen, Dorn/SPE, Dymax, Dubois, Dubuit, DuPont, Eltosch, Epic Coaters, ESC Amerika, Eye, Fusion UV, GAF, Gallus, GEO, GEW, Giardina, Grace, GS, Guanyinn, Gyrex, Hackemack, Hanky, Hanovia, Heating/Finishing, Heidelberg, Heraeus Amba, Herbert, Hi-Tek, Honle, I.V.T., Color-Dry, Idealquartz, Illuminations Industries, Indus., Interpress, IST, IVT, Iwasaki, Jac.De.Vreis, Kammann, Kass, Kelleigh, Koch, Kopac, Kopack, Kopak, Lawson Screen, Lesco, M & R, M&R Screenprint, M-2, Machine (Polytype), Mark Andy, Matrex, Mazda, Metal Box, Miltec, Mimir, Moss, Napp, Natgraph, Nilpeter , Nordson UV, NuArc, O.R.C, OAC, Olec, OMSO, On Line Energy, Onda, Online Energy, Optical Radiation, ORC, Ozalid, Pacific Products, Pako, Panasonic (NIAS), Philips Lighting, Phillips, PPG, Precision Screen (PTI), Primarc, Prime, Prime UV, Prime UV Systems, Printing R.P.C., Radiant Products, S.P.E., Sanjo, Sanki, Schneider, SIAS, Sias, Singulus, SPE, Spectral, SPS, Steinemann, Suncure/Rutherford, Superfici, Superior, Superior Quartz, Svecia, Sylvania, Tamarack, Tape Matic, Tarno Twin, TCS , Technologies, Technigraph, Technocure, Theimer, Toshiba, Total Concepts, U.V. Coatings Systems, U.V.P., Ultra Lum, Ultralight AG, Ultra-Lite, Union Carbide (Linde), Ushio, UTE, UV Light (Taiwan), UV Research, UV Tech, UV Technology, Uvex, Uvexs, Uvitrano Ag, UVPS, UVT, Vandam, Violux, Voltarc, Voltrac (UV LUX), W.R. Grace, Wallace Knight, Webtron, Western Litho, Western Quartz


Copyright (c) 2010, Albatross UV                  3840 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls, Idaho 83854  U.S.A.          Phone: 208-777-1000               email:
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